
Fostering Job Creation and Livelihood Transformation through Agricultural Advancement in Rumphi District

Kukolola Project being implemented by Mzuzu E-Hub with financing from Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH [GIZ] and Agriculture and Finance Consultants(AFC) contributing towards addressing the challenges encountered by emerging entrepreneurs in Malawi in accessing financing to kickstart or scale their enterprises due to limited access to information and business support services.

The project targets 50 youth-led enterprises and 500 women and men in the agriculture sector based in Rumphi District. Together with Life Concern Organisation, Mzuzu E-Hub implements the project through digital technology platforms, awareness and sensitization campaigns and a tailored business incubation program (Bizcubation-Kukolola) for young men and women in the project.

The project emanates from the Muzi Ecosystem pilot project under component 1 of the More Income and Employment in Rural Areas-MIERA II funded by GIZ-Malawi which builds on successful implementation of the MIERA-I. The MIERA II focuses on improving access to information for innovative enterprises and producing cooperatives with the goal of creating 500 jobs by November 2024.

Kukolola comes after noting how small medium enterprises in Malawi lack or have limited knowledge and skills in enterprise development, and a huge information gap on the use of modern technologies, according to the 2019 Malawi FinScope MSME report. This project comes as a solution to these problems.

Apart from information sharing, the project will also take participants through an incubation program, offer mentorship and coaching, marketing and networking linkage events and also seed capital.