Empowering young women through digital skills

Despite possessing a Certificate in Information and Communication Technology, 25-year-old Trusca Nkhoma, lacked some relevant digital talents to keep pace with recent technology advancements.

As a result, Nkhoma, originally from Lilongwe but based in Karonga where she works with Gracious Investment, was failing to meet the needs of some customers. To bridge the gap, she needed to refine her skills.

Back then, Nkhoma was not able to use certain functions on Microsoft Publisher and in addition, she could not design a website due to her limited knowledge in website designing.

This is why when Nkhoma saw an opportunity for a digital skills training by Mzuzu Entrepreneur Hub, she took advantage of the opening and when she applied, she was lucky, as they accepted her into the program.

The digital skills training is part of a Digital Malawi Project, which is a World Bank funded initiative through the Malawi Government under the Public Private Partnership Commission (PPPC).

Following her selection, Nkhoma attended the training, held in Karonga. The training covered topics like graphic designing, website designing, end user computing, photography and videography, data management, digital marketing, and computer coding.

In addition, the training according to Nkhoma had an entrepreneurship component.

“Despite my background in ICT, I applied because I Know that learning is a continuous process.

“I attended the training, which run for six weeks, and I don’t regret attending the training because of how beneficial the training has been in sharpening my digital skills,” Nkhoma said.

She added; “Through the training, I came across computer functions I never knew. Presently, I am able to create designs that I could not make previously and I am capable of designing a website due to my improved digital skills.”

Furthermore, since the training introduced Nkhoma to entrepreneurship, she is now dreaming of establishing her own company, which will be offering computer services.

“I am now at an advantageous position, thanks to the training. The entrepreneurship skills I gained, made me realize that I have the capacity to create something for myself and create job opportunities for others. I am already saving money to achieve that,” Nkhoma said.

As she is enjoying the fruits of the gained skills, Nkhoma is also sharing her knowledge with others, as she believes; digital skills are very important to creating jobs for youth and grow the country’s economy. So far, she has trained two people and would like to train more.

She describes the initiatives as a gateway towards economically empowering young women in the country.


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