Pre-Incubation Pitch Competition under Zantchito Project

Mzuzu E-Hub hosted a virtual pitch competition to select 30 entrepreneurs from the total of 50 engaged during the pre-pre-incubation stage under Zantchito Project. On 26th January, 2024, 47 entrepreneurs pitched their business ideas before the panel of three judges with expertise on the business sectors prevailing and entrepreneurship.

Prior to the pitch competition, on 18th January, 2024, Mzuzu E-Hub organized an orientation meeting with the participants on storytelling for investment readiness with the aim of equipping them with skills and knowledge on how to develop their pitch decks and effectively make a persuasive pitch presentation. Following the orientation meeting, the team also held the pitch clinic labs to provide further support and address challenges participants were facing during their pitch decks development.

During the pitch competition, 47 entrepreneurs pitch their business ideas before the panel of the three judges with aim of the selecting the most viable and innovative business ideas which aligns with the project goals. Each judge on the panel scored each business idea based on innovativeness, potential impact of the business solution, market adoption strategies and team capacity to implement the business idea successfully. Basing on the criteria laid out, 30 entrepreneurs were selected for the pre-incubation where they will receive support in developing their prototypes for their businesses and conduct market tests. Among the selected entrepreneurs, 33% are female participants.


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