FuTURE-M Hackathon

Furthering Technology Use for Children’s Rights and Empowerment in Malawi (FuTURE-M) Hackathon

The FuTURE-M Hackathon was designed with an aim of advancing the adoption of technology enabled solutions for various challenges affecting children and youth in Malawi. The Hackathon engaged 25 youths from the ages of 14 to 25 across Malawi to co-create technology enabled solutions around challenges faced by children and youth in internet safety, integrated case management and child protection accountability, disaster risk management and climate change and youth Voice.

Three innovative youths emerged winners after a pitch session with prototypes. The innovators and prototypes that advanced to the next stage were:

  • BELIEVER UMURAGWA, an environmental enthusiast designed the E-Forest innovation that provides real time monitoring for forest and wildlife protection by provide instant alerts on malicious activities in forest to rangers and guards.
  • AUBREY KACHINJIKA – an MSCE graduate developed the E-Flood, a device using sensors to provide alerts to community members living near rivers of potential flood occurrences with the aim of minimizing the devastating impacts of floods.
  • INNOCENCIA ZUZE innovated the Thanthwe Chatbot aimed at providing support and information on mental disorder symptoms, advice on coping with mental challenges and tips on where to get professional assistance using an AI – chatbot.

Post-hackathon support, 25 innovators were provided with support on perfecting the prototypes with technical support from industrial experts and coaches, and incubation support on commercializing their products and and support in digital literacy, leadership, coaching and mentorship.

As part of supporting startups with digital literacy for business, entrepreneurship and leadership training. a follow up to the Future M project also trained 40 youths in Ntcheu with basic skills on the usage of Microsoft Packages.