Youth Transition from Poverty to Formal TEVET and Employment-TEVET Pilot Project

A social impact project aimed at creating a pathway for ultra-poor families in Mzimba district, Malawi to access formal TEVET, enhance their employability and increase income opportunities. The pilot project supported youth (15-24 years) to participate in TEVET programs, establishing youth study groups and peer mentoring, facilitating pre-incubation, incubation and post incubation programs supporting youth led business opportunities and employment schemes, and fostering an enabling environment. The project was implemented by Save the Children International Malawi in partnership with Mzuzu E-Hub and TEVETA.

The Pilot Project reached 183 youths in Mzimba District and incubated 50 young entrepreneurs in the TEVET sector ranging from Motorcycle Mechanics, Tailoring, Fashion and Design, Soap Making, Cosmetology, Solar Installation, Welding and Fabrication to Carpentry and Joinery.

A total of 20 entrepreneurs were awarded seed capital ranging from MK100,000.00 to MK1,000,000.00 to support them in building capacity for their business, growth plan and purchase of raw materials for businesses. The 200 entrepreneurs that were initially earmarked for the Pilot Project transitioned to the Green Jobs for Adolescents and Youth implemented in partnership with Save the Child.